
Unity/Healing Hands

inspiration & design...

"Work like you don't need the money;
dance like no one is watching;
sing like no one is listening;
love like you've never been hurt;
and live every day as if it were your last."

~ Old Irish Proverb ~ Author Unknown ~
~ Health in mind, body & soul.... Namaste. ~
~ Dolphin. ~

About Me

Follow me on Twitter here:

***PLEASE NOTE***:  My old personal acct *was* @jazzdolphin was (on Twitter I'm private atm w/regards to my personal account), as I had my old personal account username ~@jazzdolphin stolen by stalkers/harassers & the person is impersonating me!

This is NOT me! They are being reported to Twitter & I'll be getting that ID back soon I hope.
If you can please report to Twitter, contact me via my business account if you need information on how to do that. Thanks!

Decided to move this info from a sidebar to it's own page..

I will also be adding details & info about my Twitter account here.. it needs more than 160 char or whatever they give you to explain all the things I'm interested in..


I've been writing poetry & other "stuff" for years and years now, but never considered myself "creative", and then one day after wandering about the realm of Twitter for a few months, I found myself needing to write and share, and yet completely constrained by this limitation of 140 characters (although, it helped me develop control, understanding and articulation).

So… a whole bunch more months go by in which for reasons I won’t get into, I couldn’t start this endeavor.

And then… the calendar New Year 2010 arrived and something about the energy that 2010 ushered in changed a lot of things inside me, and I began to feel this intense draw to write again.

So here I am.. there I was 5 days into the new decade and I started a blog (finally)...

For what purpose is this blog… of course you might wonder as you read the things I share here, either with intention, or having stumbled across it randomly in the vastness of the Internet…

Well… I will be sharing poetry and other writing, articles on music (specifically indie music), and as a long time practitioner of Massage Therapy, a Pilates Matwork Instructor and “promoter” of alternative health care methodologies, I will be writing articles on fitness, Pilates, massage and health… and whatever else comes to mind.

AND.. since I did CST at NAIT a number of years ago, I used to work in IT as a Business Analyst, Database Designer/Web Developer, (and still sorta do.. more as a Trainer/Writer/Business Advisor now), I have a few opinions here & there on IT and technology. I'm a mutli-platform supporter.. most of the time, but slightly Apple swayed.. (I blame my sexy, sexy iPhone & the fact that my first computer was an Apple Classic II... ok..really it was a Commodore 64 & I used to play a killer game of Gorf & code in basic on it..  ;).

I have a REALLY wide range of interests.. as the list below shows.. It's hard to keep things on places like Twitter & Facebook & mySpace (and all the other social media realms that people play in now).. in perspective.. as they are SO linear & single thread focused.

Because I post in these "Social Media" realms on such a diversity of topics.. I also wanted to use this blog to get into more of the details on those topics. I my personal Twitter account right now (but private/hidden atm, as I deal with reporting these stalkers/harassers.. have a business one, listed above. I've made it private as well for the time being, as these people impersonating me are currently pointing to that account & this website..but they can't change this info, only I can!)

But, back to Twitter, since I have so many topics I post on there.. I'm sure the people that come for Pilates.. don't want to hear about my hockey or music obsessions, and I end up sharing more on those than the health & wellness stuff.. as my focus just hasn't been on that of late (to change soon I hope)!

I believe strongly in honesty, accountability, passion and truth.

Oh.. and I LOVE:
~ music & motorcycles
(!!!!!!!! A LOT)
~ all forms of dance!
(NIA {will eventually be teaching it}, jazz, modern/contemporary, African, belly-dance, ballet, tap, burlesque, and others)
~ Pilates (as both a practitioner & Instructor)
~ Yoga (Hatha, Acro and Vinyasa Yoga styles, and various meditation techniques)
~ Martial Arts (Karate, Aikido, and various weapons training)
~ Poi/fire spinning, fire dancing, and other fire arts
~ movement analysis, the study of the body (anatomy, physiology and biomechanics)
~ fitness and alternative health, sports medicine and training
~ pottery (wheel thrown and hand-built, kiln-fired work)
~ travel, SCUBA diving, swimming, hiking, camping, cycling, and golf…

Yah.. I really do all those things.. and party/dance until dawn on a semi-frequent basis.. substance free and rocking it in freaking awesome crazy costume
(b/c... well.. it's FUN ;)

BTW.. this is just the tip of the iceberg.. you think that there is A LOT about me here, etc.. but really.. I'm actually an exceptionally private person. I choose what I am willing to share freely in the public domain.. but reading this.. you still know nothing about me.. like an iceberg.. only ~10% is in view.. there is so much below the surface.